Delete Template By Template ID and Element Name

Use this API to delete a template using the templateId and elementName.



This action is irreversible. Once a template has been deleted, it cannot be restored.

Request Parameters

KeyDescriptionValuesData TypesRequired/OptionalConstraints
AuthorizationAccess Token for the application{{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}StringRequiredShould be a valid Partner App Access Token
appIdApp id of the appbf9ee64c-3d4d-4ac4-xxxx-732e577007c4StringRequired.The Id should be a valid app Id of Gupshup
elementNameelement name for the template to be deleted{{ELEMENT_NAME}}StringRequired

Sample Request

curl --location --request DELETE '{{APP_ID}}/template/{{ELEMENT_NAME}}/{{TEMPLATE_ID}}' \
--header 'Authorization: {{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}'

Sample Response

  "status": "success"

Status Codes

Status CodeResponseComments
200{ "status": "success" }
400{ "status":"error", "message":"Invalid App ID" }The provided appId is not valid.
403{ "status":"error", "message":"Template ID and template name does not match" }If template Id and template name does not match
400{ "status":"error", "message":"Delete Operation is not allowed for sandbox apps" }App is not live
"message":"Please Check If App Has been approved"
App is not approved
"message":"Template Does not exists."
No template found for the provided element name.
"message":"Template Cannot be deleted"
Not a master template
"message":"Unable to delete the template, please try after sometime and if issue still exists than contact dev support"
Error occured while deleting template.
"message":"Not App Owner"
appId provided is not associated with the provided api key.
"status": "error",
"message": "Internal server error. Please try again later and If Issue still persist then contact Gupshup Dev Support"
For any Internal Error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!