Multi Product Message

Meta Payloads Example

 "messaging_product": "whatsapp",
   "recipient_type": "individual",
   "to": "PHONE_NUMBER",
   "type": "interactive",
   "interactive": {
     "type": "product_list",
       "type": "text",
       "text": "header-content"
     "body": {
       "text": "body-content"
     "footer": {
       "text": "footer-content"
     "action": {
       "catalog_id": "CATALOG_ID",
       "sections": [
           "title": "section-title",
           "product_items": [
             { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
             { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
           "title": "section-title",
           "product_items": [
             { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
             { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
  "recipient_type": "individual",
  "to" : "whatsapp-id",
  "type": "interactive",
    "type": "product_list",
       "type": "text",
        "text": "text-header-content"
        "text": "text-body-content"
        "sections": [
             "title": "section-title",             
             "product_items": [
                  { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
                  { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" },
              "title": "the-section-title",
              "product_items": [
                 { "product_retailer_id": "product-SKU-in-catalog" }

Request Parameters

apikeyApikey of the account where the app is to be createdShould be a valid apikey
sourceSource Phone Number
src.nameSource App Name
destinationDestination phone number
messageCatalog message payload
channelChannel to send messages to- Must be WhatsApp

Message Payload

typeMessage typeShould be product_detailsfor product messages
sub_typeMessage Sub TypeShould be product_detailsfor product messages
HeaderMessage header content
bodyMessage Body Content
footerMessage Footer contentOptional
sectionSections of product to use in multiproduct catalogShould contain valid product IDs from the catalog connected to Waba
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!