The API will not work if called from any client(UI - AJAX, JS HTTP, etc) directly.
Using this API you can send different types of messages to users. The different types of message objects are described here.
Message object description for different types
of messages
of messagesText message
"text":"Hello user, how are you?"
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
text | string | Required The text message that will be sent to the user. | Hello user, how are you? |
Image message
"caption":"Sample image"
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
originalUrl | string | Public URL of the image hosted. | |
previewUrl | string | Public URL of the thumbnail of the image. | |
caption | string | Optional Caption of the image | Sample image |
File message
"filename":"Sample file"
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
url | string | Public URL of the file hosted | |
filename | string | Name of the file | Sample file |
Audio message
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
url | string | Public URL of the audio file. | |
Video message
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
url | string | Public URL of the video file. | |
caption | string | Optional Caption of the video | Sample caption |
Sticker message
Key | Type | Description | Sample |
url | string | Public URL of the sticker file. | |
Interactive - List message
"title":"title text",
"body":"body text",
"footer":"footer text",
"title":"Global button"
"title":"first Section",
"subtitle":"first Subtitle",
"title":"section 1 row 1",
"description":"first row of first section description",
"postbackText":"section 1 row 1 postback payload"
"title":"section 1 row 2",
"description":"second row of first section description",
"postbackText":"section 1 row 2 postback payload"
"title":"section 1 row 3",
"description":"third row of first section description",
"postbackText":"section 1 row 3 postback payload"
"title":"second section",
"subtitle":"second Subtitle",
"title":"section 2 row 1",
"description":"first row of second section description",
"postbackText":"section 1 row 3 postback payload"
Key | Type | Description | Note |
title | string | The title/header text for the list message | - Maximum characters: 60. - Formatting allows emojis, but not markdown. |
body | string | The body text for the list message | - Maximum characters: 1024 - Emojis and markdown are supported. Links are supported. |
msgid | string | Optional It's a developer-defined message-id for a specific list message. The inbound message-event payload consists of this id when the user replies to a list message. It's a feature provided by our platform, and it helps developers set the context of a reply for use-cases like chatbots. | |
globalButtons | array | See globalButtons array description | |
items | array | See items array description | Up to 10 items supported. |
footer | string | The footer text for the list message. | - Maximum characters: 60 |
array description
array descriptionKey | Type | Description | Note |
type | string | Only text is supported as the title of the Global button | - Must always be text |
title | string | The title of the global button | - It cannot be an empty string and must be unique within the message. - Maximum of 20 characters. - Does not allow emojis or markdown. |
array description
array descriptionKey | Type | Description | Note |
title | string | The title of a section in the list message. | - Maximum characters: 24 - Required if the message has more than one section. |
options | array | Contains list of items in a section. See options array description. |
array description
array descriptionKey | Type | Description | Note |
type | string | Only text is supported | |
title | string | The title of the item in the list. | Maximum characters: 24 |
description | string | Optional The description of the item in the list. | Maximum characters: 72 |
postbackText | string | Optional A custom payload you can configure to receive when the user selects a particular item in the list. |
Interactive - Quick reply message
"header":"this is the header",
"text":"this is the body",
"caption":"this is the footer"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback1"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback2"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback3"
"text":"this is the body",
"caption":"this is the footer"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback1"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback2"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback3"
"text":"this is the body",
"caption":"Sample video"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback1"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback2"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback3"
"text":"this is the body",
"filename":"Sample file",
"caption":"this is the footer"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback1"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback2"
"postbackText": "dev-defined-postback3"
Key | Type | Description | Note |
msgid | string | Optional It's a developer-defined message-id for a specific list message. The inbound message-event payload consists of this id when the user replies to a list message. It's a feature provided by our platform, and it helps developers set the context of a reply for use-cases like chatbots. | |
content | object | See content object description | |
options | array | See options array description | Up to 3 options are supported. |
object description
object descriptionKey | Type | Description | Note |
type | string | The type of quick reply message. | Supported types: text , image , video , and document . |
header | string | Optional It is header of the text message. | Header is only applicable to a quick reply message of type text .Maximum characters: 20 |
url | string | Public URL of the media file. | url is only applicable to quick reply messages of type: image , video , and file . |
text | string | It is the body of the message. | |
filename | string | Name of the file. | filename is only applicable to a quick reply message of type: file . |
caption | string | Optional It is the footer of the message. | Maximum characters: 60 |
array description
array descriptionKey | Type | Description | Note |
type | string | The type of the button. | Only text type is supported. |
title | string | The title of the button. | It cannot be an empty string and it must be unique within the message. Maximum characters: 20. Does not allow emojis or markdown. |
postbackText | string | Developer-defined payload that will be returned when the button is clicked in addition to the display text on the button. |
Location message
"address":"Mumbai, Maharashtra"
Contact message
"city":"Menlo Park",
"country":"United States",
"street":"1 Hacker Way",
"city":"Menlo Park",
"country":"United States",
"street":"200 Jefferson Dr",
"formattedName":"John Wick",
"phone":"+1 (940) 555-1234",
"phone":"+1 (650) 555-1234",
Supported Content-Types
Type | Supported Content-Types | Size limit | Note |
text | Text content for the message. | Maximum characters supported: 4096. | - To include a URL preview in the message make sure the URL begins with http:// or https://. - For a URL to be previewed, the hostname is required, IP addresses are not considered. - If a text message has multiple URLs, only the first URL is previewed. |
image | image/jpeg , and image/png | Maximum file size: 5 MB | WhatsApp vertically crops images with the 1:91:1 aspect ratio: 800×418 pixels. To communicate effectively, design the image such that the crux information is at the center of the image. |
file | Any valid MIME-type | Maximum file size: 100 MB | |
audio | audio/aac , audio/mp4 , audio/amr , audio/mpeg , audio/ogg; codecs=opus . | Maximum file size: 16 MB | The base audio/ogg type is not supported. |
video | video/mp4 , video/3gpp | Maximum file size: 16 MB | Only H.264 video codec and AAC audio codec is supported. |
sticker | .webp | Maximum file size: 100 KB | - Each sticker has a transparent background. There is no support for sending messages with animated stickers. - Stickers must be exactly 512x512 pixels. |