Use this API to create a template for your Gupshup App
This guide is no longer maintained from 31st Jan 2025. Please refer the updated one here.
You will need the below details to start using this API.
- App Id
- App token
Key | Description | Required/Optional | Type | Value |
Authorization | Access Token for the application | Required | String | {{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}} |
appId | Unique identifier of the Gupshup App | Required | String | {{APP_ID}} |
elementName | The name of a template. Element name is unique for a WABA's namespace. | Required | String | ticket_check_url_334 |
languageCode | Language code for the template. Refer to all the language codes here. | Optional | String | en_US |
category | The category of your template. Possible Values: AUTHENTICATION , MARKETING and UTILITY .If you submit the templates with the any other categories, you will receive an error Invalid category provided, kindly use category from these option AUTHENTICATION, MARKETING, UTILITY. | Required | String | AUTHENTICATION, MARKETING and UTILITY |
templateType | Text Carousel \--data-urlencode 'cards' | Required | String | Possible Values: TEXT, IMAGE, LOCATION, PRODUCT, CATALOG, CAROUSEL, VIDEO & DOCUMENT. Catalog, LTO, and Carousel templates are not available with the On-premises API. Catalog, Carousel, and Product templates are available for MARKETING & UTILITY category only. Cards parameter only to be passed if the template type is CAROUSEL. For the LTO template, the template type is to be passed as TEXT. limitedOfferText, hasExpiration, isLTO only to be passed for LTO Templates. |
isLTO | Needs to be true in order to create LTO templates | Optional | Boolean | LTO creation param |
limitedOfferText | Limited offer text can have Maximum 16 characters | Optional | String | LTO text |
hasExpiration | Copy code button component required if "has_expiration" is set to true | Optional | Boolean | Set true to add expiration to LTO templates |
cards | Either of mediaUrl, mediaId or exampleMedia is required. If exampleMedia is not provided, the handleId / exampleMedia will be generated in the backend using the mediaUrl / mediaId. | Optional | Strig | [ { "headerType": "IMAGE", "mediaUrl": "", "mediaId": null, "exampleMedia": null, "body": "New Year is round the corner", "sampleText": "New Year is round the corner", "buttons": \[ { "type": "URL", "text": "Buy now", "url": "", "buttonValue": "", "suffix": "exotic_produce_2023", "example": [ "" ] } ] } ] |
vertical | Character limit: 180 | Required | String | TEXT |
content | The body of the template. Character limit: 1028. For “Authentication” category the first line should be - {{1}} is your verification code. | Required | String | your ticket has been confirmed for {{1}} persons on date {{2}}. |
header | Header of the template. Applicable for templateType = Text Character limit: 60. Not applicable for “Authentication” category. | Optional | String | This is the header. |
footer | Footer of the template. Character limit: 60. Not applicable for “Authentication” category, only set based on code_expiration_minutes value | Optional | String | This is the footer. |
buttons | Used only if your template has a CTA. An example is also submitted if a URL button has variable parameter. For “Authentication” category OTP button type is supported with two otp_type: 1. COPY_CODE 2. ONE_TAP If otp_type is set to ONE_TAP, three additional parameters are required: 3. autofill_text 4. package_name 5. signature_hash | Optional | String | [{"type":"PHONE_NUMBER","text":"Call Us","phone_number":"+919872329959"},{"type":"URL","text":"Book A Demo","url":"<{{1}}","example":[""]}]> or for “Authentication” category: [{"type":"OTP","otp_type":"COPY_CODE","text":"Copy OTP"},{"type":"OTP", “otp-type”: “ONE_TAP”, "text":"Book A Demo", "autofill_text": "Autofill", #One-tap buttons only "package_name": "com.example.myapplication" #One-tap buttons only , "signature_hash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7", #One-tap buttons only }] |
example | An example of the template. | Required | String | your ticket has been confirmed for 4 persons on date 2020-05-04. |
enableSample | Required for creating all types of templates. | Optional | Boolean | true |
allowTemplateCategoryChange | Boolean value. If True, Meta will automatically update the category of the template as per the template content. Default value is False. If the category gets updated, you can view the oldCategory from the Get Templates API . | Optional | Boolean | false |
exampleHeader | Optional | String | This is the header | |
addSecurityRecommendation | Optionally for "Authentication" category a security disclaimer is added to content - For your security, do not share this code. | Optional | Boolean | true |
codeExpirationMinutes | Optionally for “Authentication” category the following text is added to footer - This code expires in <NUM_MINUTES> minutes. Code expiry time should be between 1 and 90 minutes. | Optional | Integer | 90 |
Sample Request
curl --location --request POST '{{APP_ID}}/templates' \
--header 'Authorization: {{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'elementName={{ELEMENT_NAME}}' \
--data-urlencode 'languageCode={{LANGUAGE_CODE}}' \
--data-urlencode 'category={{CATEGORY}}' \
--data-urlencode 'templateType={{TEMPLATE_TYPE}}' \
--data-urlencode 'vertical=TEXT' \
--data-urlencode 'content=your ticket has been confirmed for {{1}} persons on date {{2}}.' \
--data-urlencode 'header=This is the header' \
--data-urlencode 'footer=This is the footer' \
--data-urlencode 'buttons=[{"type":"PHONE_NUMBER","text":"Call Us","phone_number":"+919872329959"},{"type":"URL","text":"Book A Demo","url":"{{1}}","example":[""]}] or for “Authentication” category: [{"type":"OTP","otp_type":"COPY_CODE","text":"Copy OTP"},{"type":"OTP", “otp-type”: “ONE_TAP”, "text":"Book A Demo", "autofill_text": "Autofill", #One-tap buttons only "package_name": "com.example.myapplication" #One-tap buttons only , "signature_hash": "K8a%2FAINcGX7", #One-tap buttons only }]' \
--data-urlencode 'example=your ticket has been confirmed for 4 persons on date 2020-05-04.' \
--data-urlencode 'enableSample=true' \
--data-urlencode 'allowTemplateCategoryChange=false' \'
Sample Response
Status: 204 Accepted
"status": "success",
"template": {
"appId": "****f7-***33-4**d-8f***-c***d*****",
"category": "MARKETING",
"createdOn": 1652768999707,
"data": "Hi, you Welcome to Header.\nHi, {{1}}. This is the template for header testing.\nHi, Welcome to Footer. | [call,917676767676] | [ur,]",
"elementName": "test_template12332",
"id": "f****a-f****-4**2-8***4-dc****ea",
"languageCode": "en",
"languagePolicy": "deterministic",
"master": true,
"meta": "{\"example\":\"Hi, [john]. This is the template for header testing.\"}",
"modifiedOn": 1652768999707,
"namespace": "e***3_e5**_**de_***3_20****1b",
"status": "PENDING",
"templateType": "TEXT",
"vertical": "Header",
"allowTemplateCategoryChange": "false"