Set Conversational Component

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This guide is no longer maintained from 31st Jan 2025. Please refer the updated one here.

Request Parameters

KeyDescriptionValueData TypeRequired/OptionalConstraints
AuthorizationAccess Token for the application{{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}StringRequiredShould be a valid Partner App Access Token
APP IDappId of the accountbf9ee64c-3d4d-4ac4-xxxx-732e577007c4StringRequiredShould be a valid appId
enable_welcome_messageset to true to receive request_welcome eventsTrue/FalseBooleanRequiredShould be true/false
commandsconfigure the various commands for your appsList of ObjectsListRequiredYou can define up to 30 commands. Each command has a maximum of 32 characters, and each hint has a maximum of 256 characters. Emojis are not supported.
promptsconfigure the ice breakers for your appsList of StringListRequiredYou can set up 4 ice breakers, each with a maximum of 80 characters. Emojis are not supported.

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '{{APP_ID}}/conversational/component' \ --header 'Authorization: {{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{ "enable_welcome_message": true, "commands": [ { "command_name": "tickets", "command_description": "Book flight tickets" }, { "command_name": "hotel", "command_description": "Book hotel" } ], "prompts": [ "Book a flight", "plan a vacation" ] }'

Sample Response

{ "status": "success", "success": true }

Status Codes

Status CodeResponseComments
200{ "status": "success", "success": true }
401{ "message": "Authentication Failed", "status": "error" }When API authentication fails
400{ "error": { "code": 105, "fbtrace_id": "AuzfcgaHAKSQQv2yL1T_Tyf", "message": "(#105) The parameter prompts must have at most 4 elements, 5 found.", "type": "OAuthException" }, "status": "error" }more than 4 ice-breakers added
400{ "error": { "code": 100, "fbtrace_id": "AP4UAoO-eaN9WVCOlGjuaM7", "message": "(#100) Param commands[8]['command_name'] must be at most 32 characters long.", "type": "OAuthException" }, "status": "error" }command name is more than 32 characters
Path Params

Unique identifier of the app.

Body Params

Your app token, please refer Get access token api to get the token from partner documentation.


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