
Request Parameters

KeyDescriptionValueData TypeRequired/Optional Constraints
AuthorizationAccess Token for the application{{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}StringRequiredShould be a valid Partner App Access Token
elementNameThe name of a template. The element name is unique for a WABAs namespace.{{ELEMENT_NAME}}StringRequiredelementName (not more than 180 char.) Mandatory fields
languageCodeLanguage code for the template. Refer to all the language codes here.{{LANGUAGE_CODE}}StringOptional languageCode default value : en_US
contentThe body of the template. {{CONTENT}}StringRequiredcontent (not more than 1024 char.)
categoryThe category of your template. {{CATEGORY}}StringRequiredCategory Type: MARKETING UTILITY
verticalTEXT {{VARTICAL}}StringRequiredvertical (not more than 180 char.)
templateTypePRODUCT {{TEMPLATE_TYPE}}StringRequiredThe type of template: PRODUCT
exampleTemplate Example {{EXAMPLE}}StringRequired
enableSampleRequired for creating all types of templates {{ENABLE_SAMPLE}}true/falseOptionalif enableSample is true then exampleMedia
headerHeader of the template. {{HEADER}}StringOptional
footerFooter of the template. Character limit: 60. {{FOOTER}}StringOptional
exampleHeaderThis is the header{{ENABLE_HEADER}}StringOptional
allowTemplateCategoryChangeBoolean value. If True, Meta will automatically update the template category as per the template content. The default value is False.{{ALLOW_TEMPLATE_CATEGORY_CHANGE}}true/falseOptional
appIdApp ID to fetch the access token{{APP_ID}}StringRequiredThe Id should be a valid app Id of Gupshup

The App must be associated with the account that owns the PARTNER_APP_TOKEN being used

Sample Request

curl --location --request POST '{{APP_ID}}/templates' \
--header 'Authorization: {{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'elementName=automation_template_439231' \
--data-urlencode 'languageCode=en' \
--data-urlencode 'content=Dear Customer, Here are our products. \nThanks for shopping with us' \
--data-urlencode 'category=MARKETING' \
--data-urlencode 'vertical=Internal_vertical' \
--data-urlencode 'templateType=PRODUCT' \
--data-urlencode 'example=Dear Customer, Here are our products. \nThanks for shopping with us' \
--data-urlencode 'allowTemplateCategoryChange=true' \
--data-urlencode 'enableSample=false' \
--data-urlencode 'exampleHeader=Hi All' \
--data-urlencode 'header=Hi All' \
--data-urlencode 'footer=This is footer'

Sample Response

    "status": "success",
    "template": {
        "appId": "a41b30f4-d202-4fdb-911e-3a8fbfbfb797",
        "buttonSupported": "MPM",
        "category": "MARKETING",
        "containerMeta": "{\"appId\":\"a41b30f4-d202-4fdb-911e-3a8fbfbfb797\",\"data\":\"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\\\nThanks for shopping with us\",\"buttons\":[{\"type\":\"MPM\",\"text\":\"View items\"}],\"header\":\"Hi All\",\"footer\":\"This is footer\",\"sampleText\":\"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\\\nThanks for shopping with us\",\"sampleHeader\":\"Hi All\",\"enableSample\":true,\"editTemplate\":false,\"allowTemplateCategoryChange\":true,\"addSecurityRecommendation\":false}",
        "createdOn": 1710799689011,
        "data": "Hi All\nDear Customer, Here are our products. \\nThanks for shopping with us\nThis is footer | [View items]",
        "elementName": "automation_template_439231",
        "id": "1f7871fc-2933-41dd-8f67-ab2a75f055fa",
        "languageCode": "en",
        "languagePolicy": "deterministic",
        "meta": "{\"example\":\"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\\\nThanks for shopping with us\"}",
        "modifiedOn": 1710799689011,
        "namespace": "9c7fe92f_2a48_40ec_83d0_69c62a772433",
        "priority": 1,
        "quality": "UNKNOWN",
        "retry": 0,
        "stage": "NONE",
        "status": "PENDING",
        "templateType": "PRODUCT",
        "vertical": "Internal_vertical",
        "wabaId": "104505526065633"

Status Codes

Status CodeResponseComment
"containerMeta":"{"appId":"a41b30f4-d202-4fdb-911e-3a8fbfbfb797","data":"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\nThanks for shopping with us","buttons":[{"type":"MPM","text":"View items"}],"header":"Hi All","footer":"This is footer","sampleText":"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\nThanks for shopping with us","sampleHeader":"Hi All","enableSample":true,"editTemplate":false,"allowTemplateCategoryChange":true,"addSecurityRecommendation":false}",
"data":"Hi All\nDear Customer, Here are our products. \nThanks for shopping with us\nThis is footer | [View items]",
"meta":"{"example":"Dear Customer, Here are our products. \\nThanks for shopping with us"}",
429{ "status": "error", "message": "Too Many Requests" }10 Requests per Minute
500{ "status": "error", "message": "Internal server error. Please try again later and If Issue still persist than contact Gupshup Dev Support" }For any Internal Error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!