Limited Time Offer (LTO)

Use this API to send messages with the LTO template.

Request Parameters

KeyDescriptionValueData typeRequired/OptionalConstraints
AuthorizationAccess Token for the application{{PARTNER_APP_TOKEN}}StringRequiredShould be a valid Partner App Access Token
sourceSource Phone Number{{SOURCE}}IntegerRequired
sandboxBoolean value{SANDBOX}}BooleanOptional
destinationDestination Phone Number{{DESTINATION}}IntegerRequired
templateJson containing template details{ "id":"{{templateId}}", "params":[ <list_of_template_parameters>], "expiration":{{expiration_time_in_UNIX_timestamp_in_milliseconds.}} }StringRequired- Must include valid template id - Expiration must be provided for LTO templates created where has_expiration is true
src.nameApp Name{{APP_NAME}}StringRequired
APP_IDApp ID to fetch the access token{{APP_ID}}StringRequired- The ID should be a valid app Id of Gupshup - The App must be associated with the account that owns the PARTNER_APP_TOKEN being used

Sample Request

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
     --header 'token: sk_711916ad1d5d4f21a9520fdef20516a1' \
     --data source=919643874844 \
     --data sandbox=true \
     --data destination=918886912227 \
     --data 'template={"id":"5fcb3ffb-3dae-4d46-9836-55b0cc509dd1","params":["250FF"],"expiration":1714694865000}' \

Sample Response

  "status": "submitted",
  "messageId": "3a4c8b42-d0ce-4607-836a-eb18a2838a88"

Status Codes

Status CodeResponseComments
200{ "status": "submitted", "messageId": "3a4c8b42-d0ce-4607-836a-eb18a2838a88" }
429{ "status": "error", "message": "Too Many Requests" }10 Requests per Minute
500{ "status": "error", "message": "Internal server error. Please try again later. If the issue still persists, then contact Gupshup Dev Support" }For any Internal Error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!