Additional Template Operations

Additional template operations refer to the various actions performed on templates within a system. These operations allow users to manage and utilize templates effectively. They typically include functions such as syncing, testing, cloning, copying, etc.

Each operation serves a specific purpose in maintaining the flexibility, organization, and usability of templates, ensuring they can be tailored and applied as needed for various tasks.

These additional operations enable businesses to:

  • Sync Templates: Synchronize message templates and configurations across Gupshup and Facebook Business Manager.
  • Copy to Clipboard: Easily copy the template code or request details to the clipboard for quick sharing or reuse.
  • Clone Template: Create duplicates of existing message templates for modification or reuse.
  • Test Template: Execute the template to test the API request and view the response, ensuring message templates work as expected.
  • Copy as cURL: Convert the template to a cURL command and copy it to the clipboard for use in command-line interfaces, facilitating testing and debugging.

Sync Templates

  1. Go to Dashboard > WhatsApp > Your App > Templates, and click the Sync button next to Create Template.
Sync Templates

Sync Templates

Your templates will be synced with your Facebook Business Manager.

Copy To Clipboard

  1. Go to Dashboard > WhatsApp > Your App > Templates, and click the Arrow button next to Manage on an existing template.
Copy To Clipboard

Copy To Clipboard

  1. Select Copy to Clipboard.

Clone Template

  1. Go to Dashboard > WhatsApp > Your App > Templates, and click the Arrow button next to Manage on an existing template.
Clone Template

Clone Template

  1. Select Clone Template. This will take you to the Create Template window, where you can edit the template according to your requirements.
Clone Template

Clone Template

  1. Select Preview and Submit. You have successfully cloned the template.

Test Template

  1. Go to Dashboard > WhatsApp > Your App > Templates, and click the Arrow button next to Manage on an existing template. Select Test Template.
Test Template

Test Template

  1. A Test Template window will appear. You can enter the recipient's phone number to test the template.
Testing Template

Testing Template

  1. Click Send. Your template message is successfully submitted.


You can send up to five phone numbers for testing a template.

Copy As cURL

  1. Go to Dashboard > WhatsApp > Your App > Templates, and click the Arrow button next to Manage on an existing template. Select Copy as cURL.
Copy As cURL

Copy As cURL

  1. A cURL window will appear. Select Copy Code to copy the cURL to the clipboard and send it.
Copy As cURL

Copy As cURL