Receive Notifications for Incoming Messages
This feature allows Zoho user to show notification when a new message is received from Leads/contacts. In order to make use of this feature, the existing Zoho Users need to follow the steps mentioned below :
Steps to be followed by existing users
- When one of the leads / contacts send a message to the Self-Serve / Enterprise WhatsApp Number, then the notification icon at the Top Navigation Bar, will notify the user that a new message has been received

- Click on the notification button to see who among the leads has sent the message

- Click on WhatsApp Reply button to see the new message received

- Click on the Lead’s Name mentioned in the New Message Received Panel to get redirected to the Leads Details page and then we can click on the Gusphup Whatsapp Message for ZohoCRM button to head over to the Chat Section

Updated 10 months ago