Upload Media
Things to remember while you are submitting the campaign requirements to the Gupshup Support.
- You can upload a media content file or you can upload the media file URL that can be publicly accessed.
- Rich-Card Standalone (Orientation:Vertical, Height:Short): The image you specify must be 3:1 aspect ratio, have a max file size of 2MB, have an optimal resolution of 1440 pixels x 480 pixels, and should be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF. If the image you select doesn’t meet these requirements, you’ll have the opportunity to edit it. If you are uploading a video, the max file size is 10MB.
- Rich-Card Standalone (Orientation:Vertical, Height:Medium): The image you specify must be 2:1 aspect ratio, have a max file size of 2MB, have an optimal resolution of 1440 pixels x 720 pixels, and should be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF. If the image you select doesn’t meet these requirements, you’ll have the opportunity to edit it. If you are uploading a video, the max file size is 10MB.
- Rich-Card Standalone (Orientation:Horizontal): The image you specify must be 3:4 aspect ratio, have a max file size of 2MB, have an optimal resolution of 768 pixels x 1024 pixels, and should be a JPEG, JPG, PNG, or GIF, and be located at a publicly available URL. If the image you select doesn’t meet these requirements, you’ll have the opportunity to edit it. If you are uploading a video, the max file size is 10MB.
- Rich-Card Carousel
a. Card Height: Short, Card Width: Small (Aspect Ratio 5:4, Optimal Resolution 960 x 720 px)
b. Card Height: Short, Card Width: Medium (Aspect Ratio 2:1, Optimal Resolution 1440 x 720 px)
c. Card Height: Medium, Card Width: Small (Aspect Ratio 4:5, Optimal Resolution 576 x 720 px)
d. Card Height: Medium, Card Width: Medium (Aspect Ratio 4:3, Optimal Resolution 1440 x 1080 px)
e. If you are uploading a video, the max file size is 5 MB.
Template Approval and Campaign Execution Process
Any template created needs to be approved by the Gupshup RBM Admin before it can be used by developer to send messages.
Once it is approved, you can send a message either to a tester (by adding the end user’s phone number as a test device) if the bot is not yet launched, or directly send a message to the user if the bot is launched.
Please note that only template messages from the brand will be allowed outside of a conversation.
What is an A2P conversation?
An A2P Conversation is initiated when a P2A message is delivered within 24 hours of an A2P Single Message. The first A2P Single Message and all messages delivered in the following 24 hours (starting from the first P2A message), are part of the new A2P Conversation.
How to obtain the template code?
Once the template has been approved by Gupshup admin, use the Messaging API (as described in the next section) by passing the template code (name) and the target recipient number. The template code will be shared with you by Gupshup Tech Support once your template has been approved. You need to use the same template code for running campaigns on different target bases but having the same content.
For sending personalized content, please note that custom variables can be added to the API request.
Example of personalization
If the approved template is the below:
Get [DISCOUNT] discount for 6 months on all Vivo's High Speed fiber optic broadband internet plans + Wi-Fi and free installation + Access to digital services such as Paramount+, Band News, TNT & Sports Stadium. Use code [CODE] when ordering.
In the above description., the variables within the square brackets viz., DISCOUNT and CODE will be replaced by the actual values passed in the API in the field customParams (see below in the API section).
Thus, the personalized message will look like this:
Get 20% discount for 6 months on all Vivo's High Speed fiber optic broadband internet plans + Wi-Fi and free installation + Access to digital services such as Paramount+, Band News, TNT & Sports Stadium. Use code DISC when ordering
Updated over 1 year ago