Multi-Journey - User Journeys

Multi Journey

Multi Journey is the concept of having a complex use case broken down into smaller journeys in a chatbot which can be called in any other journey.

Users can make multiple journeys to support a complex use case and call the sub-journeys in the main journey.

When to use

In order to break a larger use case into smaller journeys, the multi-journey concept can be used.
You can make the journey reusable by making a part of the complete flow broken into smaller parts and calling it in other journeys as and when required.

For instance: Lead Generation flow along with post-sales support is to be made. There can be a need for a part of the complete journey which is intermittent.

Additionally, multi-journey is to support campaigns for which users might need to create a different journey for each campaign. All these different journeys can also be utilized to create a bigger conversation journey.

How to use

Multi Journey can be used from the My Journeys of the Bot Studio.

Multi Journey Screen