User shares location

  "app": "DemoApp", 
  "timestamp": 1580228767338,   
  "version": 2, 
  "type": "message",    
  "payload": {  
    "id": "ABEGkYaYVSEEAhCIxTq7KXQIqby1Uo-IO7_E",   
    "source": "918x98xx21x4",   
    "type": "location", 
    "payload": {    
      "longitude": "72.8552172",    
      "latitude": "19.1453658"  
    "sender": { 
      "phone": "918x98xx21x4",  
      "name": "Smit",   
      "country_code": "91", 
      "dial_code": "8x98xx21x4" 

Payload object description

longitudeThe longitude of the location72.8552172
latitudeThe latitude of the location19.1453658

The user shares a contact card

  "app": "DemoApp",
  "timestamp": 1584898884710,
  "version": 2,
  "type": "message",
  "payload": {
    "source": "918x98xx21x4",
    "type": "contact",
    "payload": {
      "contacts": [
          "addresses": [
              "city": "Menlo Park",
              "country": "United States",
              "countryCode": "us",
              "state": "CA",
              "street": "1 Hacker Way",
              "type": "HOME",
              "zip": "94025"
              "city": "Menlo Park",
              "country": "United States",
              "countryCode": "us",
              "state": "CA",
              "street": "200 Jefferson Dr",
              "type": "WORK",
              "zip": "94025"
          "emails": [
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "type": "WORK"
              "email": "[email protected]",
              "type": "WORK"
          "ims": [

          "name": {
            "first_name": "Dev",
            "formatted_name": "Dev Support",
            "last_name": "Support"
          "org": {
            "company": "Dev Support"
          "phones": [
              "phone": "+91 77383 05433",
              "type": "Mobile"
          "urls": [
              "url": "",
              "type": "WORK"
    "sender": {
      "phone": "918x98xx21x4",
      "name": "Smit",
      "country_code": "91",
      "dial_code": "8x98xx21x4"

Payload object description

addressesarrayFull contact address(es). This field can contain street, city, state, zip, country, country_code, and type fields.{ "city": "Menlo Park", "country": "United States", "countryCode": "us", "state": "CA", "street": "1 Hacker Way", "type": "HOME", "zip": "94025" }
emailarrayContact email address(es). This field can contain the email and type fields.{ "email": "[email protected]", "type": "WORK" }
birthdayYYYY-MM-DD formatted stringContacts birthday1995-10-06
imsarrayMessaging contact information. This field contains the service and user_id fields.
namearrayFull contact name. This field can contain the first_name, middle_name, last_name, formatted_name, name-prefix, and name_suffix fields.{"first_name":"Dev","formatte name": "Dev Support","last_name": "Support"}
orgarrayContact organization information. This field can contain the company, department, and title fields.{"company":"Dev Support"}
phonesarrayContact phone number(s). This field can contain the phone, wa_id, and type fields.[{"phone":"+917738305433","type":"Mobile"}]
urlsarrayContact URL(s). This field can contain the url and type fields.[{"url":"", "type": "WORK" }]

Referral Conversation

This event occurs when a user clicks on an Ad that takes them to the WhatsApp application to send a message to your business. The inbound event includes the ad's information.

    "app": "DemoApp",
    "timestamp": 1624350395531,
    "version": 2,
    "type": "message",
    "payload": {
        "id": "ABEGkZlpNARoAgo6v1b-zBR7EnX3",
        "source": "918x98xx21x4",
        "type": "text",
        "payload": {
            "text": "I saw this on Facebook..."
        "sender": {
            "phone": "918x98xx21x4",
            "name": "Smit",
            "country_code": "91",
            "dial_code": "8x98xx21x4"
        "referral": {
                "body": "Test post payload",
                "headline": "Demo Gupshup ad",
                "image": {
                    "id": "6a35b528-429d-4fe3-953d-536ef0397ece"
                "source_id": "951242428775548",
                "source_type": "post",
                "source_url": ""
  "app": "democtwaapp",
  "timestamp": 1712584165510,
  "version": 2,
  "type": "message",
  "payload": {
    "id": "XOMlrzW4gMzj_PXKInEn1Thkp",
    "source": "917735695203",
    "type": "text",
    "payload": {
      "text": "Hello! Can I get more info on this?"
    "sender": {
      "phone": "917735695203",
      "name": "Automation",
      "country_code": "91",
      "dial_code": "7735695203"
    "referral": {
      "headline": "Chat with us",
      "body": "WhatsApp Messenger: More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries use WhatsApp to stay in touch with friends and family, anytime and anywhere. WhatsApp is free and offers simple, secure, reliable messaging and calling, available on phones all over the world.",
      "source_type": "ad",
      "source_id": "6570618339781",
      "source_url": "",
      "media_type": "image",
      "image_url": "",
      "video_url": "RAW_VIDEO_URL",
      "thumbnail_url": "RAW_THUMBNAIL_URL",
      "ctwa_clid": "ARAHuTtGzmFlOO_WcXezfYBRzrxoH2Emo4kj-mXVvHoMQVU748gp6Sp-IKS2_scLmfnBJSWvvsZpVqjJfMQPM6TJy1_dNFC1ZUztlDk4i1RijetS"

Payload object description

source_urlThe Meta URL that leads to the ad or post clicked by the customer. Opening this URL takes you to the ad viewed by your customer.""
source_typeThe Ad's source type. Supported values are ad and
source_idMeta ID for an ad or a post6570618339734
headlineHeadline used in the ad or post"Chat with us"
bodyThe body of the Ad or a post."WhatsApp Messenger: More than 2 billion people in over 180 countries"
media_typeMedia present in the ad or post; image or video.image
image_urlURL of the image, when media_type is an image.
video_urlURL of the video, when media_type is a video.
thumbnail_urlURL for the thumbnail, when media_type is a video.
ctwa_clidClick ID generated by Meta for ads that click to WhatsApp"ARAHuTtGzmFzrxoH2Emo4kj-1ZUztlDk4i1RijetS"

Inbound Reactions

End-users on WhatsApp can react to the business's message with an emoji. The payload is sent to the business as an inbound message. This feature is currently available only for CAPI users i.e. users who have WhatsApp docker hosted in Meta Cloud

"body": {
    "app": "sumitqacloudapp",
    "timestamp": 1693819859221,
    "version": 2,
    "type": "message",
    "payload": {
      "id": "wamid.HBgMOTE4MzI5NzUwODAwFQIAEhggMkI4QkY5QjIyOEE4RTE3NDc4M0FBRkIxREY5NTY5N0UA",
      "source": "918329750800",
      "type": "reaction",
      "payload": {
        "id": "9340ac2e-efe7-4836-b379-65a92b281375",
        "gsId": "d8b6b10a-f61e-4ff5-910a-a1ac34b439ef",
        "emoji": "❤️"
      "sender": {
        "phone": "918329750800",
        "name": "~me",
        "country_code": "91",
        "dial_code": "8329750800"

Payload description

idWhatsApp msg ID
emojiEmoji user reacted with
gsIDGupshup message ID

What’s Next

In the next chapter of this guide, you'll learn about inbound events and their types.