Copy Coupon Code


  • According to meta documentation it is supported only for CAPI but currently its working for both on-premise and CAPI so we are also providing it for both but meta may remove this feature later for on premise apps.
  • Category Type should always be “MARKETING"
  • Templates are limited to one copy code button.
  • Button text cannot be customized.
  • Codes are limited to 15 characters.


curl --location '' \
--header 'apikey: {{api_key}}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
--data-urlencode 'languageCode={{language_code}}' \
--data-urlencode 'content={{template body}}' \
--data-urlencode 'footer={{template footer}}' \
--data-urlencode 'category=MARKETING' \
--data-urlencode 'example={{template body example}}' \
--data-urlencode 'vertical={{template vertical}}' \
--data-urlencode 'elementName={{template name}}' \
--data-urlencode 'buttons={{button list}}'

Meta Payload Example

  "name": "coupon_code_fall2023_25off",
  "language": "en_US",
  "category": "MARKETING",
  "components": [
      "type": "HEADER",
      "format": "TEXT",
      "text": "Our Fall Sale is on!"
      "type": "BODY",
      "text": "Shop now through November and use code {{1}} to get {{2}} off of all merchandise!",
      "example": {
        "body_text": [
      "type": "BUTTONS",
      "buttons": [
          "type": "QUICK_REPLY",
          "text": "Unsubscribe"
          "type": "COPY_CODE",
          "example": "250FF"

Request Parameters

apikeyApikey of the account where the app is to be createdIt should be a valid apikey
languageCodeValid Language code for the template
contentTemplate body
footerTemplate FooterOptional
categoryTemplate CategoryMust always be MARKETING
exampleTemplate Body exampleIf params are used in the body
verticalTemplate Vertical
elementNameTemplate Name
Buttonsbuttons listCan have only one copy coupon button
appIdValid App Id


Status CodeResponseComment
Success 200 {
"status": "success",
"template": {
"appId": "5bae1cea-c3d4-4aa0-a43b-9776711c3e82",
"category": "MARKETING",
"containerMeta": "{"appId":"5bae1cea-c3d4-4aa0-a43b-9776711c3e82","data":"Shop now through November and use code {{1}} to get {{2}} off of all merchandise!","buttons":[{"type":"COPY_CODE","example":"250FF"},{"type":"URL","text":"Shop Now","url":"{{1}}\",\"example\":[\"summer2023\"]},{\"type\":\"URL\",\"text\":\"Website\",\"url\":\"{{1}}\",\"example\":[\"summer2023\"]},{\"type\":\"PHONE_NUMBER\",\"text\":\"Call\",\"phone_number\":\"918016337728\"},{\"type\":\"QUICK_REPLY\",\"text\":\"Yes\"},{\"type\":\"QUICK_REPLY\",\"text\":\"No\"},{\"type\":\"QUICK_REPLY\",\"text\":\"Unsubscribe from Promos"},{"type":"QUICK_REPLY","text":"Red"},{"type":"QUICK_REPLY","text":"Blue"},{"type":"QUICK_REPLY","text":"Green"}],"sampleText":"Shop now through November and use code 250FF to get 20% off of all merchandise!","enableSample":true,"editTemplate":false,"allowTemplateCategoryChange":false,"addSecurityRecommendation":false}",
"createdOn": 1696721353605,
"data": "Shop now through November and use code {{1}} to get {{2}} off of all merchandise! | [null] | [Shop Now,{{1}}] | [Website,{{1}}] | [Call,918016337728] | [Yes] | [No] | [Unsubscribe from Promos] | [Red] | [Blue] | [Green]",
"elementName": "dev_test_copy_code_api_05",
"externalId": "565849138988774",
"id": "a0a492b5-6a21-4b0c-b862-c457afadf7fa",
"languageCode": "en",
"languagePolicy": "deterministic",
"meta": "{"example":"Shop now through November and use code 250FF to get 20% off of all merchandise!"}",
"modifiedOn": 1697240548921,
"namespace": "69c54856_55eb_42d4_8d01_e67e984dcb0f",
"priority": 1,
"reason": "NONE",
"retry": 0,
"stage": "NONE",
"status": "APPROVED",
"templateType": "TEXT",
"vertical": "TEXT",
"wabaId": "102482675865013"


Refer here for a detailed information on coupon templates and it's use.