Error Codes

Error CodeDescriptionError Handling
100UNKNOWN ERROR HAS OCCUREDNo immediate solution, please contact customer support team
101PARAMETER MISSINGParameter name received in your response is missing in API request, please add this parameter and resend request.
102AUTH FAILEDAuthentication failed due to invalid UserID or password. Please check UserID and password or contact support team for further assistance.
103USER DOESNT EXISTAuthentication failed as UserID provided by you does not exist in our system. Please contact support for further details.
104USER DISABLEDYour account is currently disabled. Please contact support for further details.
105INVALID PHThe Phone Number provided by you is invalid, if you are an Indian customer either pass 10 digit number or if it is 12 digit it should start with +91
106METHOD NOT SUPPORTEDThis method is not supported for your account, please contact support team to enable it.
107VERSION UNKNOWNYou have passed invalid version in request. Please specify version as "1.0" or "1.1".
108INVALID MASKYou have passed invalid Mask in request. A valid mask is either a 10-digit number or a alpha-numeric string of length less than or equal to 8 characters which does not contain: "@~`!#$%%^&*()|;':[]{},<>?/
109INVALID DNDYou have passed invalid DND parameter in request, valid values for DND parameter's are "true" and "false".
110MASK NOT ALLOWEDOnly preconfigured masks are allowed. The mask provide by you in request is not in the list of your preconfigured masks. Please contact customer care to enable it.
111INVALID FORMATThe uploaded compressed file format is not supported. The supported formats are zip and 7zip.
112PH ENTRY NULLPhone number in your uploaded file's phone number column is empty, Please upload valid phone number. If you are an Indian customer either pass 10 digit number or if it is 12 digit it should start with +91.
113MSG LENGTH EXCEEDEDYour Message Parameter's length exceed than allowed message length, Please contact customer support team for more information.
114NON ASCII CHARSYou passed parameter that contains non ASCII characters. Non ASCII characters are not supported.
115INVALID FILE TYPEThe filetype parameter does not match with the uploaded file extension. Please reverify the file.
116INVALID TSThe timestamp provided by you in request is not valid. Please resent the request with valid timestamp.
117BAD REQUESTOperation timed out. File upload failed, please retry or please contact support team for further assistance.
118INVALID URLYou have passed invalid URL parameter in request. Please provide a valid URL.
119INVALID CELLTYPEOne of the header like Quick Reply or Date variable column's cell type is Numeric. We expect the cell type to be Text. Please change column type to text.
120INVALID FILE EXTThe file extension of your uploaded file is invalid. Please specify a valid file extension, viz. xls, csv, 7z or zip.
121FILE MISSINGThe file to be uploaded is missing. Please upload the required file.
122INVALID PORTThe port parameter in your request is invalid. It should be a valid integer.
123INSUFFICIENT BALANCEYour account does not have sufficient credits to post this message. Please recharge your account.
124VALIDITY EXPIREDValidity of your SMS pack has expired . You are not allowed to send messages now. Please recharge your account.
125SYSTEM MAINTAINANCEOur systems are currently under maintenance. Your request will be resubmitted automatically after the maintenance is over.
126INVALID VCARD FORMATInvalid VCARD format. The message does not match a valid VCARD format. In case, you are not trying to send a VCARD, Please contact Customer Support
127IP NOT ALLOWEDYour IP address does not have permission to send messages. Please contact Customer Support for further assistance.
128HEADER MISSINGThe first row of the file should contain headers. Please see the sample file for details.
129BAD CSVError in Parsing CSV File. Possibly an unescaped quote. Kindly upload a valid CSV file.
130INVALID RESP FORMATThe output response format in passed in request is not supported currently. Kindly refer the api documentation for supported response formats.
131INVALID MSG TYPEThe message type mentioned is invalid. Please contact support team for further assistance.
132AUTH SCHEME NOT SUPPORTEDThis Authentication scheme mentioned in request is not supported. The valid auth schemes are "PLAIN" and "TOKEN".
133INVALID FLASH FORMATInvalid Flash Message format. Kindly refer the API documentation for valid flash message formats or contact Customer Support.
134MSG TYPE NOT SUPPORTED FOR THIS PHONEThe message type mentioned is not supported on this phone. Please contact support team for further assistance.
135BAD CAUSEIDThe cause ID provided by you is invalid. Please provide a valid cause ID of type long.
136INVALID ENTITY TYPEThe entity type provided by you is invalid. Please provide a valid entity type.
137CDMA FOR UNICODEThe phone number provided by you is a CDMA number which is not supported for the message type UNICODE_TEXT.
138INVALID MSGIDThe message Id provided by you is invalid. Please provide a valid positive alpha numeric values.
139INVALID PARAMETERThe specified value for the parameter %s is invalid.
140INVALID TOKENThe token provided by you is invalid or expired. Please provide a valid token.
141WORKING HOURS EXPIREDCannot post outside your working hours. please post message in working hour.
142INTL PHONE NOT ENABLEDSending messages to International phones is not enabled on your account. please contact support team for further assistance.
143MASK NOT EXISTMask not given and also no default mask exist for your group. please contact support team for further assistance.
144STATS FILE UNAVAILABLEThe statitics file for the given date is unavailable. Please contact support for more information.
145SERVICE UNAVAILABLEThis feature is not available for your account. Please contact support for more information.
146CREATE GROUP NAME UNAVAILABLECould not create group as the name specified is already in use.
147NO GROUPS FOUND FOR STATUS RANGENo groups found for the given status. please contact support team for further assistance.
148NO MASKS FOUNDNo masks found for your account. Please contact support team for further assistance.
149NO PREPAID ACC DETAILSYou are not a prepaid subscriber.
150BULK MSG DETAILS FILE UNAVAILABLEThe requested file is unavailable. Please contact support team for further assistance.
151MANAGE MASK DELETE ENTITY MASK REFERENCECan not delete the mask since it is associated with at least one group.
152MANAGE MASK EDIT ENTITY MASK REFERENCECan not edit the mask since it is associated with at least one group.
153CREATE MASK ALREADY EXISTSCan not create the mask since it already exists.
154CREATE MASK PENDING FOR APPROVALCan not create the mask since it is already sent for approval.
155CREATE MASK ALREADY EXISTS DISABLEDCan not create the mask since it already exists but is disabled. Please enable the mask.
156CREATE MASK ALREADY EXISTS REJECTEDCan not create the mask since it has been rejected. Please use some other mask.
157GROUP NOT ENABLEDCannot process the request since the group is not enable. Please contact support team.
158EDIT MASK ALREADY EXISTS REJECTEDCan not edit the mask since the new mask specified has been rejected. Please use some other mask.
159EDIT MASK ALREADY EXISTS DISABLEDCan not edit the mask since it already exists but it is disabled.
160EDIT MASK PENDING FOR APPROVALCan not edit the mask since the new mask specified is already sent for approval.
161EDIT MASK ALREADY EXISTSCan not edit the mask since the new mask specified already exists.
162MANAGE GROUP SAME STATUSThe group is with the same status as requested.
163PHONE NOT SUBSCRIBEDThe specified phone number is not subscribed to any of the groups.
164INVALID PARAMETER ENABLEThe enable settings parameter has an invalid value.
165INVALID PARAMETER DISABLEThe disable settings parameter has an invalid value.
166NON RESELLER ACCOUNTCreate or Modify user action not allowed.
167INVALID PINThe pin code provided by you is invalid. The pin code should be a four-digit integer value.
169INVALID BOOLEANThe given parameter should be Boolean, either TRUE or FALSE.
170RESTRICTED MASKThe mask name, provided by you, is restricted. Please use some other name.
171ACTION NOT ALLOWEDYou are not allowed to perform this action. Please contact support team for further assistance.
172INVALID MASK FOR USERThe mask provided by you does not exist or is pending for approval for the user. Please contact support team for further assistance.
173ALL ENTRIES FAILEDFor the transaction ID all the entries failed. Please contact support team for further assistance.
174DUPLICATE EMAILLogin ID provided by you is already registered with us. Please try different login ID.
175SERVICE DISABLEDThe given service is disabled for you. Kindly get the service enabled before using this action.
176NO USERS FOUND FOR RESELLERNo users found for the given reseller. please contact support team for further assistance.
177NO ENTRIES FOUND FOR TRANSACTION IDNo entries found for the given transaction ID. please contact support team for further assistance.
178INVALID ISINTLInvalid parameter value for ISINTLPHONE parameter valid values are "true" and "false".
179ACCOUNT DOES NOT EXISTReseller does not contain the account ID provided by you. Please contact support team for further assistance.
180INVALID GROUPThe group provided by you is not a valid group. Please contact support team for further assistance.
181GROUP ALREADY EXISTThe group provided by you is already exists for the user. please provide another group or contact support team for further assistance.
182INSUFFICIENT WORKING HOURSThis request cannot be processed within your working hour preference. Please contact support team for further assistance.
183POST BEFORE START TIMECannot process the request before your working start hour. Please contact support team for further assistance.
184INVALID DATEThe date parameter is not valid. please provide valid date
185DATA TOO LONGThe value for the given parameter is too long. Please contact support team for further assistance.
186INVALID INSTA PACKThe Insta pack either does not exist or is in pending state. Please choose a valid approved Insta pack.
187INVALID TIME WINDOWCurrent time is not in any of the time windows for the selected Insta pack. Try again later.
189INSTA PACK VALIDITY EXPIREDThe validity for the selected Insta pack has expired.
190MULTIPLE POST WITHIN A MINUTEOnly one post is allowed per minute for every Insta pack.
191SINGLE BATCH SIZE EXCEEDEDBatch size exceeded for this Insta pack.
192TIME WINDOW BATCH SIZE EXCEEDEDBatch size exceeded for the current time window for this Insta pack.
193DAY BATCH SIZE EXCEEDEDBatch size exceeded for today for this Insta pack.
194INSTA PACK INSUFFICIENT BALANCEBatch size exceeded for today for this Insta pack.
195CONFLICTING NO PREFIXInternational masks cannot be prefixed. Please set noPrefix parameter to true or use any other mask.
196START LIMIT PARAMETERS MISSINGThe parameters start and limit are required. Please resend request.
197ACTION NOT ALLOWED FOR POSTPAID USERPostpaid accounts can not be recharged with a prepaid rate plan.
198CREDITS ALREADY APPROVEDPayment has been already approved for this rate plan.
199KEYWORD ACTIVE FOR SOME OTHER USERThe keyword is cannot be granted as it is already active for some other user.
200APP NOT ALLOWEDInvalid App trying perform this action. Please contact customer care for further assistance.
201INVALID APP USERYou are not valid user to perform this action on behalf of App.
202PAYMENT FAILEDError approving Payment for this rate plan. please contact customer care for further assistance.
203INSUFFICIENT BALANCE PRIORITYPriority message was not sent due to balance being insufficient for Priority Messaging. Please charge your account with more credits and try again.
204RECHARGE NOT ALLOWEDRecharge with this rate plan is not allowed.
205INVALID INTERCONNECT TYPEThe InterConnect type mentioned is invalid.
206NO ACCOUNT FOUNDNo account found for user ID provided by you. please contact customer care.
207USER USED DEMO PACKYou have already taken demo pack. Please contact customer care.
208PHONE IN USEThis mobile number is already in use for other account.
209XLSUPLOAD STATUS ERRORError getting the XlsUpload status for the given cause ID, Please contact customer care.
210NO MESSAGE STATS FOUNDNo message stats details found for cause ID the given cause ID. Please contact customer care.
211MESSAGE SUMMARY NOT FOUNDNo message stat summary found for cause ID the given cause ID. Please contact customer care.
212PAPA SWITCH NOT ALLOWEDYou have large number of credits in your existing pack. Your existing pack and the pack you are trying to recharge with have different SLAs and properties. To recharge with the same pack, please use up your existing credits, and then recharge.
213PAPA SWITCH WITH PENDING TX NOT ALLOWEDYou are not allowed to buy the given pack with a new SLA as your last transaction is still pending. If you wish to cancel that transaction or still buy this pack please contact customer care.
214DUPLICATE MOBILE NUMBERThe specified mobile number is in use. Please specify a different mobile number or please contact customer care.
215INVALID OPPORTUNITY SIZEThe opportunity size mentioned is invalid.
216INVALID CLOSURE STAGEThe closure stage mentioned is invalid.
217INVALID EXPECTED DATE OF CLOSUREThe expected date of closure mentioned is invalid.
218RECHARGE NOT ALLOWED FOR DEMOYou are already a customer and consumed demo pack, not allowed to recharge with demo pack again.
219PENDING RECHARGE LIMIT EXCEEDEDYou are not allowed to recharge as PENDING recharge limit has been exceeded. If you wish to cancel that transaction or still buy this pack please contact customer support.
220PAPA SWITCH WITH SCHEDULED NOT ALLOWEDYou are not allowed to buy recharge of different SLA because you have scheduled messages to be sent. If you wish to cancel that transaction or still buy this pack please contact customer support team.
221TRANSFER CREDIT NOT ALLOWEDTransfer credit is not allowed for the your account. please contact customer support.
222INSUFFICIENT BALANCE FOR TRANSFERYou are not allowed to transfer amount larger than the your account balance (insufficient credits).
223DUPLICATE POSTYour post request is exactly same as previous and hence has been rejected. If you still want to post please contact customer service.
224INVALID CAUSEID TO CANCELThe specified transaction id can not be cancelled. Its either never scheduled, still being processed or already cancelled.
225INVALID RATE PLANThe Rate Plan allotted to your account is invalid. please contact customer service.
226NO PACK VISIBLENo packs are visible to recharge for your account. Please contact customer service.
227TRANSFER TO SUBACC NOT ALLOWEDTransfer/Withdraw credit is not allowed for the user ID you provided to/from the mentioned customer ID.
228TRANSFER TO DIFF SLA NOT ALLOWEDTransfer/Withdraw credits not allowed to/from different SLA holder.
229RECHARGE NONSWITCHABLE PENDING PAYMENTYou are not allowed to recharge because there is a pending payment for a pack which is not switchable. Please contact customer service.
230KYC CHECK REQUIREDYour KYC documents verification is required. Please contact service for document verification.
231BANNED APIDear Customer, there is a major price re-structure across carriers which has impacted both Trans and Promo SMS credit balance of your account. Please reach out to your relationship manager, we will be happy to assist you with your new credits and enable the account.
232COUNT MISMATCH MSG IDSCount of phone numbers and count of message IDs do not match. please retry the request or contact customer service.
233MAX PHONES EXCEEDEDYou have passed more phone numbers than allowed in this request. Please contact customer service to know your max phone number limit in request.
234FILE NOT PARSEABLENot able to parse contents of file. please check the file content or contact customer service for further assistance.
235SLA NOT SWITCHABLEYou are not allowed to switch from the given SLA.
236FILE TOO BIGPlease upload file of size less than the your max size limit, contact customer service for max size of file.
237DUPLICATE MOBILE NUMBER IN POSTDuplicate Mobile numbers were found in the post.
238INVALID HEADERThe column-names is invalid. Please see the sample file for details.
239MASK PENDING FOR APPROVALCan not complete the action since the provided mask is sent to approval.
240MASK DISABLEDCan not complete the action since the provided mask already exists but is blocked. Please contact customer service for further assistance.

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