Configuration Journey
It is a system-generated journey that needs no alterations and is view-only to provide an overview of different journeys being handled by the Bot.
The configuration journey carries information about the campaign and its associated journey.
It has the following nodes set in logic:
- Start Node
- Condition Node With Events
- Marketing Module Node - This contains all mappings between campaigns and associated journeys.
- Ad Campaign Module Node - This contains all mappings between ads and associated journeys.
- Keyword Trigger Node - This contains all mappings between user input and the associated user journey that can be triggered. For example, if Journey "Welcome" is linked to keyword "Hi", this journey will be triggered when a user says "Hi".
- Return Failure Node
In this journey, you can view keyword-based triggers, for eg, when a user says "Hi", journey Hi can be triggered.
The contains all mappings between campaigns and associated journeys.
Configuration Journey
Updated almost 2 years ago