Frequently asked questions

  • Question: Is having a business Instagram account required? The chatbot cannot be set up using a personal account.
    Answer: Yes. Both are mandatory.

  • Question: Does Instagram allow businesses to contact customers in a proactive manner?
    Answer: No. Currently, brands cannot run any campaigns on Instagram.

  • Question: Is utilizing ice breakers to initiate conversation required of users?
    Answer: No. Users can choose to tap on an Ice breaker OR send any message.

  • Question: Is it mandatory to have Ice breakers?
    Answer: No. Brands can choose not to display Ice breakers. However, it’s suggested to have them in order to help users understand the bot’s capabilities.

  • Question: If users contribute audio, video, or stickers in the middle of a chat, what happens?
    Answer: A webhook event will be received on the platform which can be handled at a bot level.