The Intents screen in the AI Admin section of Bot Studio lets users create a custom intent as per the use case of the business. This helps AI models understand what customers want and give better responses in the journey.

Creating an Intent in AI Admin

You need to first create an Intent before triggering it in a journey.

Intent Screen for first-time users

Intent Screen for first-time users

  • Go to the AI Admin section under Bot Studio in the navigation sidebar on the left.
  • Click on the Intent tab to create your own custom Intent
Creating an Intent screen

Creating an Intent screen

  • The name for the Intent and description for creating an Intent are mandatory fields.
  • Start by defining the ‘intent name’ as per the use case for example, Hotel booking or product search.
  • Follow that up with a ‘short description’ that defines what the intent is meant to do.
  • Click on "Generate Utterances" to review the sample utterances for the Intent or click on "Save Intent" button to save the intent.
Intent screen with Name and Description

Intent screen with Name and Description

  • The Intent is saved after clicking on the "Save Intent" button.
List of Intents created (Returning Users)

List of Intents created (Returning Users)

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