
How can I link an app to my partner account?

There are three ways you can link an app to your partner account:

Set a callback URL
You can set a callback URL for your app such that your business's unique domain name is present in the URL. You can reach out to [email protected] and request to whitelist your domain name for your partner account. Once your domain is whitelisted, our system will automatically link apps that consist of your domain name in their callback URL with your partner account. Learn how you can set a callback URL.

Use the partner API for linking an app.
You can use the API to link an app to your partner account. You will require the partner app token and the account's API key to which the app belongs.

Enter your partner ID on the app's settings dashboard
You can manually link an app using your partner ID. Refer to the following image.

I am an ISV, can I partner with Gupshup?

ISV Partnership with Gupshup for WhatsApp integration is subject to some guidelines. Click here for detailed guidelines